Supporting R2P sends a strong message that you and your business value youth and the arts.
Ready to submit or pay for your ad?
10,000+ audience members for R2P shows from every corner of the region
200+ middle & high school students participating in the company annually, from Tompkins County & beyond
1400+ professional staff hours spent working directly with 200+ students (average of 350+ hours each show)
32,000+ show invites sent to elementary school families across Tompkins & Cortland counties (8,000+ each show)
Expand your impact by becoming a sponsor. Sponsorships not only include program ads, but also name & logo on flyers, posters, & programs, shout-outs in the curtain speech, and more!
Learn more about becoming a Sponsor
Now that our shows are FREE to attend, you won’t be surprised to learn that our audiences have grown massively! Our recent audiences average around 3,000 people in a single weekend! In other words, we can get your business in front of a lot of people!
Our audiences are your neighbors and potential customers. They tend to go through the program cover-to-cover and take careful note of which businesses are there.
Advertising in our playbills will make a big impact – both for the youth of our community and for your business!
Our playbills are professionally printed books with full color front and back covers.
Program Back Cover - Full Page Ad: $2000*
Program Inside Front or Back Cover - Full Page Ad: $1000*
Full Page Ad: $800
1/2 Page Ad: $500
1/4 Page Ad: $300
8th Page Ad: $150
*Limited availability on first come, first served basis
Boosters: $10:
Purchase a “booster” to go in the next show program – up to 90 characters to cheer your student on with a custom message! (e.g. “Break a leg, kiddo! We’re so proud of you and we love you! - Grammy & Grampa”)
Ads are due 2 weeks prior to each show.
If you would prefer a PDF of this information, please click here.
100% of sponsorship & advertising revenue goes directly towards fulfilling R2P’s mission. Your support allows us to focus on the quality of our educational programs and the artistry of our shows. We are endlessly grateful for your support.
Your contributions are vital to the operations of our organization. This including helping us secure show venues, cover production expenses, pay contract workers, create & store sets/costumes/props, cover licensing fees, lease rehearsal space, repair equipment, print advertising, host community events, and so much more.
In return, we are excited to enthusiastically promote your business to our 10,000+ show attendees, 200+ families of company members, 8,000+ elementary school families in Tompkins & Cortland Counties, and many more. Our R2P community is vibrant, diverse, and eager to support businesses that value the youth & arts in our community.
Our Demand is Growing!
Student participation is predicted to keep increasing every year!
Community demand for more equitable theatre access is growing too!
• 59% of our company members indicate they could not participate unless it was free or they had scholarships
• Roughly 75% of our audience reports needing tickets to be under $5 or free to attend our shows