Thank you to everyone who cheered on Mean Girls and helped make it a big success!
R2P is committed to making theatre accessible to everyone – and that includes our audiences, too! Just like participation for our students, tickets to our shows are FREE! As a community theatre for the whole community, we want every child to feel included and for everyone to experience the joys of live theatre. You can help make this possible by becoming an R2Patron.
R2P is a youth development organization as much as it is a theatre company.
Learn about R2P…
What is R2P?
Running to Places (or R2P, as it’s usually known) brings middle and high school students together from across Tompkins County and beyond to make friends and develop critical life skills through the art of theatre. R2P is in the business of youth development, helping raise our community’s children and making excellent theatre in the process. Learn more about R2P…
Get Involved
Every young person in grades 6-12 is invited to join R2P. Participation is 100% FREE, and no experience is necessary. We take everyone who shows up to audition – no one is cut or excluded. In addition to learning theatre techniques, you’ll make new friends and gain critial skills that will benefit you forever, no matter where life takes you. Find out everything you need to know join in the fun…
Support R2P
Free participation for every student and audience member is only possible when folks who can chip in monthly become R2Patrons. Think of it like NPR - content is made available for free, but those who are able to donate, do so to keep it available for all. (Plus, like NPR, there are nifty thank you gifts, too!) Thank you for helping us make theatre accessible to everyone in our community…
Mission Statement:
Running to Places (R2P) is a youth development organization that seeks to foster a safe and supportive community where any interested youth has the opportunity to learn important life skills through theatre.
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